Bachelor Of Arts In
Early Childhood Education And Care


Chevron College recognises that every childhood lasts a lifetime and acknowledges the significant role the Early Childhood Educator plays in shaping early childhood. Chevron, therefore, aims to ensure that graduates of this programme will emerge as highly qualified professionals who equally value their role, and the role of early childhood education and care.

The diversity of this programme will ensure that Early Childhood Educators are equipped with the competence to navigate the ever-changing landscape of early childhood education and care in Ireland. It aims to enable Early Years Educators to support the holistic care and development of all children within their practice, with an emphasis on supporting children’s rights, inclusion, diversity and collaborative practice.

Early Childhood Educators will emerge from the programme as highly employable, child-centred professionals and leaders, with the tools to positively impact the lives of young children. Graduates can work as Early Years Educators, take on leadership and management roles within the sector, and undertake further academic study and research.

Students will be supported through this journey of personal and professional development by a team of highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Education and Care lecturers and support staff.

How it works
Learner supports and help


Semester 1 Credits Semester 2 Credits
ECEC Historical and Current Contexts 10 Credits Language and Multilingualism in Early Childhood 5 Credits
Child Health, Care and Wellbeing 10 Credits Curriculum & Pedagogy 1 5 Credits
Early Childhood Learning and Development 5 Credits Professional Practice 1 15 Credits
Psychology of Child Development 5 Credits