The purpose of the Advanced Child Development module is to build on the learners knowledge, skills, and competence of the key concepts of Child Development and the use of observations to with a view to designing a programme of observations within an Early Learning and Care context which can be used to inform the development of effective early childhood programmes. Learners will focus on the application of theory into practice and develop a robust approach to planning, designing, and evaluating programmes of observation. The module will focus on the implementation of best practice and considerations with regard to ensuring any staff involved in carrying out planned observations have the appropriate knowledge and competence.
Training Aim
Learning Outcomes
- Critically reflect on contemporary child development and learning theories to enhance practice and support holistic development and learning in ELC.
- Design and implement a programme of observation, analyse findings and present conclusions which support children’s holistic development, information by the National Curriculum Framework.
- Demonstrate understanding of best practice in conducting observation studies to include confidentiality and ethical considerations, strategies to avoid bias, the importance of stakeholder involvement and accurate documentation and interpretation of findings.
- Assess the impact of family, social, cultural, and environmental factors on child development, well-being, identity and learning and develop strategies which recognise the role of sociocultural theory in the provision of ELC.
- Enhance professional competence using either individual and/or collaborative reflective practice to identify skills and training requirements for self and others to support effective observation in the ELC setting.
Assessment Method
- Assignment – 30%
- Project – 50%
- Learner Record – 20%